E-we’s Cable Beanie

Playing on the Flexee Loom

It has been a bit since I created much of anything on the knitting looms. To say that we (by “we”, I mean me and my royal mouse) have been in a looming slump is an understatement. I recently had to create a few videos demonstrating basic crown decreases on the new Flexee Looms, manufactured by KB Looms, and loom designed by my colleague Renita Harvey.

After creating those videos, I wanted to try one of the Flexee Looms with my beloved Malabrigo yarn. I went to work and the final product was this adorable little hat for my daughter. Truth: I thought it was going to fit an adult, but instead it fit my toddler. She has a noggin that is 19″ in circumference (which actually is the same size as my head, but I have been told I have a small noggin). Anyways, the Flexee Loom works wonderfully for creating cables. Snap the links, connect them in the new order, and voila the cable is created.

Disclaimer: Let me be open with you about my hardships connecting the links, I find it hard to re-connect the links when they have stitches on them. The space is limited between links when there is knitting already on the loom, and spreading the knit fabric sometimes gives me more difficulty than others. It has taken me quite a bit to get used to it. Have the links gotten looser, yes, but it is still hard for me to connect them. I have small hands (I guess they match my small noggin!), and connecting the pieces together is somewhat tough for me. If you do get the set of looms, I highly recommend playing with it before starting a project. Connect, and disconnect the links. You will find your groove after a bit, and after awhile the links start connecting a little easier.

Anyways, here is the pattern. I know that’s what you are all here for. I have become one of those blogs with the whole narrative before the recipe, ha!

Cable Beanie for E-we

Knitting Loom: Flexee Loom Chunky (48pegs, total of 24 links).

Yarn: Approximately 65 yards of chunky/bulky weight merino wool yarn. Sample was knit with Malabrigo Chunky in Paris Night. Highly recommend a yarn with inherent elasticity to facilitate the reordering of the stitches when creating the cable.

Notions: knitting tool, tapestry needle, row counter.

Optional: Pom pom.

Sizes: Small.


k=knit stitch (I used the u-stitch on the sample).

p=purl stitch



k2tog=knit two stitches together. Creates a decrease by 1 stitch.

p2tog=purl two stitches together. Creates a decrease by 1 stitch.

c4b=Cable 4 Back. Cable that takes place over 4 stitches/pegs, over 2 links. The cable slants to the right.

Set up of the Links: Link 1 is on the right, Link 2 is on the left.

Step 1: Disconnect Link 1 from its neighbor links to the right, and to the left.

Step 2: Set the disconnected Link 1 to the back (center of the loom).

Step 3: Connect Link 2 to the link located to the right. Knit both stitches on Link 2.

Step 4: Disconnect Link 2 from the link to its left.

Step 5: Connect Link 1 to Link 2; reconnect the link that was disconnected on Step 4.

Step 6: Knit the stitches on Link 1.


Assemble knitting loom by connecting 24 links to work in the round.

Rnd 1-10: *k2, p2; rep from * to end of rnd.

Rnd 11-14: *k4, p2; rep from * to end of rnd.

Rnd 15: *c4b, p2; rep from * to end of rnd.

Repeat Rnds 11-15: until item measures approximately 7″ from cast on edge, end on a rnd 15 (a cable rnd).

Repeat Rnds 11-13.

Next rnd (decrease rnd): *k2tog, k2tog; p2; rep from * to end of rnd. (32 stitches remain).

Next rnd (decrease rnd): *k2tog, p2tog; rep from * to end of rnd. (16 sts remain).

Next rnd (decrease rnd): *k2tog; rep from * to end of rnd. (8 sts remain).

Bind off with gather removal method.

Weave in all ends. Block if necessary.

“Could this be done for adults?”
Definitely, you will need to add more links, how many more? Well that depends on the yarn weight you are using, if you are using the Chunky Malabrigo (weight 5) that I used in my sample, I would recommend about 60 pegs (30 links). If you want to use a super bulky yarn (weight 6), I would recommend about 54 pegs (27 links). The pattern should work about the same, including the decrease rounds (the stitches remaining will change).

Video has been added to aid you in creating this pattern.

Published by Isela Phelps

Let's knit something!